Thursday, 14 October 2010

Facebook and the law!

Three Acre men go to jail after a facebook clip was found of them speeding at 260 kph.

Training is soon going to be provided to detectives on the use of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to help catch criminals

In the wake of several high-profile cases of cyber bullying, a company has created a Facebook application for youth to report violations to Facebook officials and connect to safety and crisis-support organisations

Facebook has now helped the law over-react by hauling a 12 year old boy out of class over David Cameron Facebook protest! The boy organised a protest over facebook in order to stop his local youth club being closed down, the police tracked this and monitered his facebook before questioning him. I think that this shows how facebook can be a usefull tool to the police, but can however blow things out of proportion, as it is hard to know all the details of soemthing when it is on a social networking site, and can therefore make an innocent protest seem like a terrorist attack!

Google and facebook were the pages that helped eygpt during its massive protests and also during the build-up to the protests. this is due to its organisation, whihc is avaiable in the event planner on facebook, and  also the page that allowed eypgtians to contact the rest of the world during the protest!

Egyptian police use Facebook and Twitter to track down protesters' names before 'rounding them up'

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