The growing audience of facebook is not only from teenagers and twenty-somethings, but half of women over the age of 55 are now logging on to keep socially active on-line
The British Monarchy and the Queen will have an official presence on the world's most popular social networking website, Facebook. This shows how facebook is becoming an essential for everybody to have.
Two pensioners who met on facebook have now gotton married and are lookign forward to shraing their first christmas together. This not only shows how all ages are reaping the benifits of the social networking site, but also shows how large faecbook is and how many benifits it has!
This link shows many statistics about the internet and also about socail networking, it shows that a huge 75% of internet connected homes are using social networking.
This link shows many more statistics about facebook and social networking sites. it mainly focuses on how addicted the world is becoming to these sites! suprisingly, it is not just young people who are having to check their sites so regularly, as 27% of over 25 year olds will be inturupted during a meal de to an update!
83% of prostitutes have a facebook page which they use to attract buissness, with 25% of their regular costumers coming in from these pages. This shows the massive impact facebook is having, and perhpas shows how it is making illegal things much easier to organise, as it can be so secretive and so easy to contact so many people!
There's hope for oldies yet!